Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Post 13

Time: 9:52 am PST                                                                                         Roseville, Ca

I have come to this conclusion, no matter how hard I try I can never get my self to write a blog post every single day. I mean, I have tried to do this a million times, long before the internet or any social media came into being. I had diaries, many of them are still with me. I would start by writing 34-5 entries and then loose interest, be blissfully oblivious of the promise I made to my self, of writing every single day. Each New Year I would make a resolution and then before the first month of the year was over, all resolutions forgotten and another year, another diary gone. This syndrome continued for years, diaries gave way to MS word entries and finally blogs. 

So knowing me, I have now decided, I shall write as and when I feel like, and when I want to and have
something to share. This last week has been manic, with all the fifa world cup games, all the excitement and the upsets, it is hardly surprising that something unexpected happens. Thursday is going to be interesting. Well fingers crossed , may the best team win. On the reading front, summer brings the book club challenge. I signed up for it, so in the last 2 weeks I am down 2 books, well almost and before July is over I have 4 more to finish, if I want to well win the book club challenge. I have no Idea how on earth am I suppose to do that. But challenges get me excited. I am up for it. by the way, my swimming classes are finally over. I finished last week. It was so much fun and now I can swim, well not an ace swimmer or anything but I go under water, I am so glad  I did this and it is off my list :)

In the world of Tarot, well that has taken a back seat, I haven't had a chance to read the cards in a the last week, but I would be getting back to it soon. I have a list of requests to take care of. Well that is all for now.

Till the Next time

Au Revoir Mon'Amie


  1. write when you have the time, time is valuable and blogging should not be first and foremost

  2. I don't write a post every day either. I don't want my blog to be my life, but something I do to enjoy.

  3. i have been writing every day or at least every other day, but if i am feeling over tired or not inspired i walk away

  4. I feel you with the being unable to write a blog post every single day. I have tried so many times before. I have changed to a once a week schedule so that I can sum my week up which makes things so much better.

  5. I think most people don't realize how much effort it takes to write a blog post! It really is a whole ob in itself and I don't think there's ever been a time where I've written one every single day! Enjoying our blogs should be important anyhow and when we force ourselves to write too much, it takes the joy away!

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