Thursday, 12 June 2014

Day 10

Time : 11:33 pm               Roseville, Ca
This is the first time I am blogging from my phone so got to keep it short and sweet. Well I had a very tiring day and I am all tucked in now so can't be bothered to pull my self to the laptop.
I have have been in and out of my home all day ; first swimming then grocery shopping, then picking up new crockery and then multiple errands and in between fifa world cup.
What a match and I am so glad  to have caught it.. I am a football yes, I like to call that and not soccer . Blame it on my British upbringing.  I am adicted to the game. I plan to catch most of the games well let us see.. the world cup fever has gripped pretty much the entire world and it is one game that brings so many countries together.. what a wonderful idea.. one game may nation united by the love of sport...

Anyway that is all for today. Time to sleep... until next time

Au revoir Mon'Amie


  1. I not much of a soccer fan. I do like it when nations get together though and are on their best manners. Keep up the swimming!

  2. Happy watching. I don't care much for the games myself.

  3. "blame it on my british upbringing" i love it.

  4. Its always so fun to have a sport/show to look forward to watching! Hope your team does well!

  5. I hate soccer but like your writing!

  6. My newsfeed was blowing up from all of my international friends who were following the game.
