Random Musings
Some Scattered Thoughts and Random Reflections
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Post 13
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Day 11/12
Thursday, 12 June 2014
Day 10
I have have been in and out of my home all day ; first swimming then grocery shopping, then picking up new crockery and then multiple errands and in between fifa world cup.
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Day 9

All I remember was that she did a couple of readings for dad and then took me aside and said Nandini I think you should try your hands with the cards, I was surprised, she said as in try reading then. I looked her as if she spoke to me in a foreign language and I was like I have never read cards before, I do not know how it is done. She gave me her cards and said to start with keep these cards with you for 7 days and then tell me how you feel? Well to be honest the first 3 days I did not care about them. I told myself I would give the cards back to her. It was only on the fifth day that I decided I might as well have look at them before I gave it back to her. By the seventh day I was so hooked on to them that I called her and said I wanted to learn.. She told he you cannot teach tarot, it has to come for with in and your calling has come. She gave me a couple of books to start with and thus began my tarot journey. It has been 10 years since this story. Today Tarot is a part of my life, my very existence.

Though I agree it is sometimes hard to believe it has been 10 years...
Right on, I wanted to share my Tarot journey with my readers and what it means to me.. The body demands sleep and the bed beckons. Till next time then...
Au revoir Mon' Amie
P.S. Day 3 of swimming lessons went better than expected... I am totally loving this and a lady even came to me saying girl you are brave enough to learn swimming even after growing up... Well you see you are never too old to learn , be it Swimming or Tarot.. :) As long as you have the will to do so.
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Day 8

Monday, 9 June 2014
Day 7
Time: 11:00 pm Roseville, Ca
When there is something you have wanting to do for ever and finally the day arrives when you actually get down to doing it, how is it that you are suppose to feel? Happy yes, excited yes, but I guess the one that is most prevalent is perhaps mixed feelings. For instance I finally made it to the swimming lessons I have been wanting to take all my life. As a child mum would never let me near the water, let alone swim. There were a couple of lessons that I took in school and getting mum to agree to that was a nightmare. For some reason she was convinced that if I ever went anywhere near the water, I would not come back alive. So that was the end of my swimming.
It was not until 20 years later and 2 continents, that I finally, had a chance to take that plunge; literally I mean. Pritish has been very supportive all through, his idea, you have to take a leap of faith at times to find out whether you are meant to or not. But then whilst I was happy that I got myself to swim, somewhere, I felt I was disobeying my mum. I don’t know even now when I am way passed 30 a part of me still feels, I should abide by here, hence the whole mixed emotions thing. When I informed her over the phone, regarding my plans, she was, lets just say not elated about the whole thing, but then she did say you are old enough to take a call and yes “BE CAREFUL”.
Anyhow moving on, from all the emotional saga… Swimming was fun I had my first lessons and now I know what it feels to take that first plunge. Having said that, every bone in my body hurts, but the pain is sweet. The classes continue for the next two weeks and I am ever more excited to learn all that there is to swimming. I shall make my share of mistakes, but I will be happier to learn from them. For now sleep beckons. Until the next time;
Au revoir Mon’Amie
P.S. Mum I love you but I am sorry I am going to do this and I am pretty sure I will make it out of the water.. alive
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Day 6
Time 8:30 pm Roseville, Ca
Sundays are precious, they come once every 7 days and then last just a day. Before you know it is gone. But Sundays are good when you have friends around. Over lazy lunches and unending cocktail glasses with accompanied with endless chitchats and laughter, Sundays become beautiful. But then what starts must end and it is time to gear up for the week to come.
Tomorrow is a special day, it is 9th June, a year since we lost Dimdims. Yes, one whole year she’s been gone. It is indeed hard to believe. But then time does fly and you learn to deal with the grief. Though I am certain it does not get any easier but one learns to accept it and move on; the scar remains. It will be specially hard for my ma, given that she is not keeping well and I am a million miles away. But then Dad is there and he is a rock solid anchor for ma. She will sail through.
Moving on, California is in desperate need of rains, as monsoon hits India, we are pining for a few drops and there is no sign what so ever. It is almost as it Delhi is taking its revenge on us, twice over I would say. 40 degrees Celsius is cruel anywhere.
Tomorrow, I start my swimming lessons. There was a time ages and eons back when I used to swim. But then I lost touch with the water world. Now with the mercury rising, it is time I took the plunge again. A new phase in life, very fittingly on a day when Dimdims moved to a higher plain. I guess it was willed this way.
But for now dinner beckons and the stomach demands food. Until next time..
Au revoir Mon’Amie